ba | md
Cecilia Buyatti
For me, design is the intentional process of creating something that serves a clear purpose. This creative act always begins with a well-thought-out concept – the foundation of the final result. My passion lies in telling visual stories and using design as a medium to convey messages or evoke emotions in the viewer.
Breaking the Silence: The Crisis of Child Pregnancy in Paraguay.
Animated Video
In my project, I explore the issue of child pregnancy in my home country, Paraguay, which has one of the highest rates of cases in South America, with the majority stemming from sexual abuse. Through this animated video, my goal is to raise awareness, encourage critical reflection, and provide information about the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to this deeply taboo topic that affects countless children, particularly girls. I chose to focus on child pregnancy because it remains one of the most stigmatized issues, especially in Paraguay, a predominantly traditional and conservative country. The subject is uncomfortable for many, as it touches on the sensitive intersection of childhood and sexuality. However, it is crucial to shine a light on this problem, to foster understanding, and, ultimately, to work towards its eradication.
Examined by
Prof. Henning Tietz
B.A. Pei-Yu Chang M.A.