Hannah Kronen
For me, design is the ultimate puzzle-solving. It means sketching and trying. Thinking, tinkering and failing. Until the existential crisis. Or the one golden and most obvious: Aha!
RB² - Rust Bucket Ride to Babel
Exposé for an illustrated sci-fi comic.
RB² is the story of the interplanetary bus driver Beta: built like a wardrobe, with two left hands and her heart on her sleeve, she simply falls out of line everywhere she goes. Then she gets fired. Gone is life at the dead end. During her last shift, she is attacked by space pirates and crashes the bus on a Volcano planet. When she has to mediate between the communicatively and emotionally disturbed passengers after an implant failure, Beta finally gets the chance to find out what she's good at ...
The future. Speculating about it is no easy task. Especially at a time when dystopias are actively lived. That's why I wanted to create an alternative: a lively, light and funny visual narrative with quirky characters and a pinch of system criticism. A story that should inspire hope for personal and social change and a better, more solidary future. The exposé for RB² is a foretaste of this.
Examined by
Prof. Henning Tietz
Vertr.-Prof. David von Bassewitz