ba | kd
Maja Gehling
What defines me as a designer is my attention to detail and my eye for the fine nuances that make a project unique. Since childhood, my creativity has driven me to find inspiration in everything that surrounds me.
I spy with my little eye
A bookazine about a more conscious perception of the here and now.
We often have the feeling that time flies by. Today‘s fast-paced world makes us feel overwhelmed and we lose access to the small, beautiful moments. Our thoughts are stuck in the past or the future, and there is no longer enough space for the essentials, the here and now. With my bookazine ‘I spy with my little eye’, I want to open readers‘ eyes and bring the present back into focus. With the help of a collection of interesting and creative exercises by journalist Rob Walker, which go beyond the classic mindfulness methods, the bookazine invites readers to experience moments more consciously again. In four chapters, it guides readers through various tasks, framed by creative design, visual storytelling and appropriate quotes. It is intended as an impulse to become more mindful, to appreciate the now and to rediscover the hidden beauty of the small moments.
Examined by
Prof. Daniel Braun
Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz