Pandora Magri
For me, creative freedom starts with leaving one's own creative comfort zone and is best experienced when there is no already defined goal at the end of the design process.
An autofictional comic about domestic violence.
Silence protects perpetrators. That is why I am not silent. In my autofictional comic HIMMELBLAU I deal with the question of how to find one's way in a world that has remained alien to one due to previous precarious living conditions. Readers accompany 25-year-old Poppy, who has managed to free herself from a long-standing violent situation and is now faced with a new, self-determined life. But where violence once had its place, fear, anger and shame have now taken root. While Poppy sometimes rides the waves of her healing process confidently, sometimes threatens to drown in them, she is repeatedly confronted with the question of why she can't just get better. With the help of her friends, she fights her way back into life bit by bit and learns to accept that healing is a process that is never fully completed.
Examined by
Prof. Cornelia Haas
Prof. Henning Tietz